What is it?

The User Manager function gives you the power to create and administer your users within your system.  This is where you determine a user's access rights, manage their logins and passwords, determine what team they belong to, who can schedule users onto tasks and who can approve timesheets.

How does it work?

Access User Manager from Administration / User / User, then select User Manager from the left hand menu.  A list of current users will appear using your last selection criteria.

Search for a User

Using the dropdowns and free text fields enter your selection criteria:

  1. First / Last Name – enter the first few letters of the first and/or last name
  2. User Type
    1. User – a real user who has login rights to the system
    2. Generic – a generic user to use for resourcing against projects for forecasting
    3. Contact – an external contact for attaching to projects etc who does not have login rights to the system
  3. User Role – from the dropdown select the role.  This will return any users that have at least the chosen role assigned.  Inactive roles will appear greyed out at the bottom of the list in alphabetical order
  4. Team – from the dropdown select the team.  This will return any users that have at least the chosen team assigned
  5. Location – from the dropdown select the location
  6. Resource Type – from the dropdown select the resource type.  This will return any users that have at least the chosen resource type assigned.  Inactive resource types will appear greyed out at the bottom of the list in alphabetical order
  7. Show Deactivated Users – by default deactivated users are not included in searches.  To include check the box
  8. Select Search to return results

Adding or Editing a User

Before you add a new user search your existing database to check they don’t already exist, including deactivated users.

1.     Select New User or double click an item in the list


User Information

2.     Basic Information - Enter the basic information of the user.  Complete as many fields as possible:

  • Name / Email – these fields are mandatory
  • Company – start typing the Company into the field.  Results instantly start filtering back depending on what you type.  Once your result is displayed, simply select from the list and the selection will populate the field
  • Select X to delete the field value
  • Resource Type – this field is mandatory.  Select from the dropdown to group the user into a resource type.  This is used for reporting and filtering users when attaching them to a task on a project (under the team tab)
  • User Type – select from the dropdown